• Lighting Maintenance
  • Retail Lighting Maintenance
  • Electrical Testing & Inspection
  • Exterior Lighting Maintenance
  • Emergency Lighting

Health & Safety

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As the Company’s operational activities involve working with electricity and working at height, the Company has an absolute commitment to health and safety. It is our belief that a safe working environment compliments efficient and economic service delivery.

Our general philosophy on health and safety at work is reflected in the Company’s Health & Safety Policy document which can be downloaded in   PDF format from the Client Login area of this website.

CDL belongs to two health & safety accreditation schemes. These schemes undertake an annual assessment of our health and safety competency and issue certification following each assessment (relevant certificates can be downloaded in PDF format from the Client Login area of this website)
  • National Britannia SAFEcontractor accredited
  • SM&MS PropertyPLUS accredited
Risk assessment / Method Statement
CDL can provide a free risk assessment and method statement for any site-specific works to ensure that any risks are properly assessed and adequate measures are instigated to minimise the risks.  

General Statement of Policy
CDL recognises that the control of all health and safety matters arising from our work activities is an essential feature of our efficient operation.
  • It is the intent of the Company to provide safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees by: -
  • providing and maintaining safe plant and equipment
  • providing safe systems of work
  • providing a safe place of work and safe access and egress
  • providing for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of all particles and substances
  • providing a safe working environment
  • providing adequate and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision
It is also the intent of this Company to enlist the support of all employees towards achieving the safest possible working conditions and to encourage consultation on all health and safety matters.  Support, co-operation and consultation will also be sought from clients, other contractors and any other persons who might reasonably be expected to be included in such discussions.  To this end, regular health and safety discussions will be held.

The Company also accepts responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities including clients' employees, other contractors and members of the public.  The Company also accepts responsibility for any affects our activities may have on the environment.

The allocation of duties for health and safety matters and the particular arrangements that will be made to implement these health and safety matters, are set out in the Company’s Health & Safety Policy document which will be periodically reviewed. You can download a PDF of this document in the Client Login area of this website.